Cameron – 4.5 month

Cameron – 4.5 month

Happy Wednesday everyone!! Are you happy to be half-way through the week like I am happy?!?! For some odd reason, I just want this week to be over. I am totally looking forward to October and all the full fall activities the month brings. So we are a little late with Cam’s 4 month update as his doctors appt was on Monday but here are the CamMan’s stats…

Height – 24.75 inches (been growing about an inch a month) 20th percentile

Weight – 17lbs 8oz (he’s a big boy – grown 3 pounds in two months) 80th percentile


Eating – he’s eating anywhere from 4oz-6oz every three hours. We tried some fruit purees and wasn’t really into it. He is always watching us when we are eating but I think I will give him another month or so then try again.

Sleeping – he’s goes to bed about 6:15-6:30 and gets up around 6:30 the next morning. Sometimes if he has poop or he’s teething badly then he might be up closer to 6am but all in all I am happy with his nighttime sleep. He naps usually in the morning from 8:15am-10:30am then again from 12:45pm-2:30pm and sometimes he might take a catnap at 4:30pm but he’s usually up after his afternoon nap till bedtime. He is a stomach sleeper, been trying so hard to get him on his back but no sir.

Teething – he started the process around 3 months and this month he is a sucking the hand & drooling machine. Hasn’t taken a liking to teething toys but loves figures and his fist. A wet cloth will sometimes work as well.


Personality – he is truly a happy boy except when he’s hungry, tried or in the car. He HATES the car and everything about it unless he’s got a bottle. He loves smiling and laughing and thinks Keely is just the funniest person in the world. He might be a slight Momma’s boy but I think it’s because I am home with him where with Keely, I went back into the office at 3 months. I feel though once he gets comfortable, he’s perfectly okay with people. He’s just particular with some people.

Looks – he looks like his daddy that’s for sure. It’s pretty awesome because Keely is a mini me and Cameron is a mini Bob. We love it. His hair I am guessing will be a little/medium brown as its gotten lighter all ready since he’s been born.

I think that wraps up some information on the CamMan. We love our big boy and love watching him and Keely create a bond together. I know they will just be the best of friends.


Happy 4.5 months Camy!! XOXO

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites

Welcome back Friday Favorites!! Today is Friday Favorites – Hashtag Style



#thoseshoes #Iwant #yesplease


Easy Lo Mein - The easiest lo mein you will ever make in 15 min from start to finish. It's so much quicker, tastier and healthier than take-out!:

#YUM #Couldeateveryday


Autumn Nail Colors - for fingers and toes! #Fall #Manicure #Season #Dark #Colors:

#lovethese #needamani&pedi


This metal cart from @IKEAUSA is the perfect book and toy holder for the nursery or playroom! #organization:

#oneforbothkids #welovebooks


That’s it for now for this Friday but hope you all have a fabulous weekend!! Cheers! xoxo

She’s ALIVE!!

She’s ALIVE!!

Hello!! Yes, I know, I know, it’s been a long time but as you know it’s been a little crazytown around here but I am finally back to a regular schedule and one that will allow some blogging. A lot has happened since I wrote last time…Cameron was two months…he is now four months. I will have his 4 month update later in the month as we have his doctor appt on the 21st but I can tell you this he is a happy little (I should probably say, BIG) baby. We are just all in love with him.

Miss Keely starts school on Thursday. Yes, my baby girl is going to Preschool and she’s super stoked about especially since she will be toting around a Paw Patrol bag that Gama and Papa got her. Today we have to go into school for her orientation for an hour which will allow us to meet the kids and parents. I think she’s going through a little growth spurt as well because some of her clothes are becoming tight.

Everything else is going good. I have picked up a couple of freelance projects plus am babysitting a 9 month old girl three times a week for about 6 hours. She is a little sweetie and Keely is having fun being the babysitter too. All and all, we are keeping super busy and gearing up for fall weather and fall activities. I am going to try to blog again maybe one or two more times this week, I am totally thinking “Friday favorites” needs to make an appearance again. Now, I will leave you with some pictures…cheers!! xoxo


Cameron’s Baptism – Godfather Billy and Godmother Katie


Their love for each other melts my heart. ❤


Odvi…he enjoys taking selfies with me!! LOL


Carebear for the win!!