What I Ate Wednesday

What I Ate Wednesday

Happy Wednesday to you all!! How is your week going so far? Mine is going good and I am so happy it’s Wednesday. Here were my eats for the day…

Breakfast/6:15AM – Green Smoothie (vanilla protein powder, skim milk, frozen banana, kale & chocolate almond butter)


Mid-Morning Snack/9:30AM – Apples with Justin’s Maple Almond Butter


Lunch/12:30PM – Salad Beast (spinach, deli turkey, cranberries, feta cheese & raspberry dressing), Cottage Cheese (not pictured) and slice of banana bread


Dinner/4:30PM – Tacos (ground meat, lettuce, cheese & avocado) with Mexican rice


I also had two cups of Yogi Green Tea plus tons of water. I might or might not have had some dessert…ha-ha. Enjoy your day!


What is your favorite family meal? Mine would probably be having all of my family over for pizza!

Weekend Recap, 2

Weekend Recap, 2

Holy Monday!! It was a rather busy weekend but so much fun!! Friday, I had my hair appt and I am totally LOVING it!! She took off 6.5 inches and put highlights on the top. I don’t think I’ll be growing it out for a long time because right now, I just like it so much. Here is a picture of it…sorry for the creepy face…


The rest of Friday was spent grocery shopping and relaxing at home. Saturday, we had a small family get together to celebrate my cousin’s birthday. Keely had so much fun playing with everyone. Sunday, Keely and I went to breakfast with my friend Joanna and I completely forgot to take a picture of our breakfast, blogger fail! We had a spinach & feta omelet with hash browns & side of pancakes (for Keely to share with me). It was so good catching up with Joanna as we don’t see each other much and I would love for that to change. Once we got home from breakfast we just hung out the rest of the day.

Well it’s time to go make some banana bread & carrot cake muffins for the week. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Join me for the Winter Shape Up with Gina this week.



Friday Facts

Friday Facts

It’s Friday, Friday…Welcome to Friday Facts:

1. I love that it’s Friday but hate that it’s so cold outside

2. I am getting my hair cut today and will most likely be going home with hair that looks like this…

3. I officially passed my cold onto Keely, boo to me!

4. We have a family birthday party on Saturday plus Gymboree at 9am (YAY)

5. I am craving some brownies…NO, I am not pregnant!

6. I am meeting a friend for breakfast on Sunday and can’t wait. See you on Sunday, Jo-Jo!

7. I need some new jeans, payday on the 31st (thank god)

8. I am planning to workout both Saturday & Sunday

9. I NEED want a glass of wine tonight…ha-ha

10. Have a GREAT weekend, everyone!


Trainer Tip Thursday

Trainer Tip Thursday

Here is another addition of Trainer Tip Thursday from the famous B-O-B!

Tip 1: Drink 64oz of water a day

Tip 2: Try dumbbell squats instead of barbell squats (make sure knees don’t go over your toes)

Tip 3: If you can’t do a regular push-up, try it on your knees

Tip 4: Make sure to fuel yourself 30 minutes after your workout

To end Trainer Tip Thursday, here is a little workout from me to you…

Circuit #1- Shoulder & Legs

– Squat with Shoulder Press
– Backwards Lunge with Side Shoulder Raise (repeat on other leg)
– Chair Squat with Front Shoulder Raise

Circuit #2- Chest & Abs

– Chest Press with a Crunch
– Chest Fly with Double Leg Raise
– Bicycle Crunches
– Pushup

Circuit #3- Biceps & Glutes  

– Deadlift with Hammer Curl
– Front Lunge with Wide Grip Curl (repeat on other leg)
– Side Lunge with Biceps Curl

Make sure to include a 5 minute warm-up and cool down.


A Day In The Life…12 Months

A Day In The Life…12 Months

I wanted to do a little “A Day In The Life” with Keely being 12 months and me working from home part-time & in the office part-time.

5:15AM (4:30AM on office days) – Wake up call & Workout (I spend about 45 minute to an hour working out at home.  Jogging on the treadmill, weights, yoga, Pilates or turbo fire)

6:30AM (5:30AM) – Shower time then emails & work time (if I am working from home)

8:00AM – Keely’s wake up call to me. I go into her room, ask her if she slept well and sing her a little song while changing her diaper.

8:15-8:30AM – We head downstairs to make and eat breakfast – yesterday it was pb pancakes, banana, blueberries and some maple cinnamon puffs (while I was getting it all together). She will also have a sippy cup of whole milk and one with water.





9:00AM – I get Keely all cleaned up and dressed for the day.

9:00AM-11:00AM – We play, play and play! We also read some books and chase the cats around the house.


11:30AM – We will have lunch together. Yesterday it was goldfish crackers (while I was prepping), sliced apple, sippy cup of water, pb sandwich and the rest of the pouch from Sunday.


Yes, she’s a diva!!

12:00PM-2:00PM – Keely takes a nap. This is a new nap schedule for us as she usually goes down at 10:30-11:00 but since she is getting up later, she isn’t tired that early. I know it will take time to get use to it but I think this will be the best one.

3:00PM – Snack & sippy cup of whole milk

2:00PM-4:30PM – Playtime

4:30PM-5:00PM – I or Bob prep dinner while the other one is getting Keely’s dinner together. Usually I will make her something that we are eating but these days, she is being a little picky.

5:30PM – I do the dishes (yes, I have a dishwasher but if there aren’t many dishes, I just do them) while Bob and Keely dance and play in the living room.

5:45PM-6:20PM – More playtime, but it’s more low-key as I don’t want her to get too hyper before bedtime.

6:25PM-6:30PM – Bath time. For some odd reason, she has become scared of the bath so tonight I am trying the shower to see if it’s any better.

6:40ish – She will have a bottle with milk (hoping to wean the bottle by the end of the month)

7:00PM – Bedtime

7:00PM-9:00PM – I clean up her toys, get things together for the next day, and spend the rest of the evening on the couch with Bob.

9:30PM – We are usually in bed, trying to fall asleep…yes, an early bedtime but hey, 4:30AM comes quickly and I need my beauty sleep.

So, that is our day in a nutshell. I have also starting to do some independent playtime so that she doesn’t rely on me or Bob to entertain her all day long. On the weekends, we go to Gymboree at 9am and she loves it. Once it’s nicer outside, we will take walks throughout the day and do some playdates.

Happy Tuesday!! Cheers!

Do you need a lot of sleep at night?

Hello, Monday

Hello, Monday

Happy Monday Everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Mine went by rather fast but I enjoyed it. Friday, my parents came over and watched Keely while we went downtown to visit a friend. We checked out his new place (which is SWEET) then grab some dinner at a pizza place (DELISH). With our pizza, we had Goose Island Green Line, hello LOVER! Then we hang out at a bar and I enjoyed all night dancing & two cucumber martinis which were SO good. I haven’t nonstop danced like that at a bar in a long time.

Saturday, Keely and I went to Gymboree (she has a new teacher who is awesome) then ran to Trader Joes for our weekly groceries. We have been hit with a picky eater the past two weeks. Really since she had the flu, she isn’t eating what she normally eats so I have to mix things up a bit. I ended up making carrot cake muffins (some had cream cheese frosting for Bob) which has shredded carrots in it. Baby girl is obsessed and will eat it in nothing flat. This week I am planning to make some veggie muffins so that I can get more veggies into Miss K.

The rest of Saturday, we just hang out, started our 90210 DVDs that we got for Christmas. Sunday, Bob went to train a buddy while K & I hung out. I also went to DSW to use up my gift card. The rest of Sunday was spent cleaning, finishing the laundry and planning the meals for the week. This week is suppose to be cold here which I am not looking forward too but we have been pretty luck with our winter weather this year.

Have a wonderful week!!


Do you have any suggestions/recipes for a picky eater to get more veggies & protein in her?

What I Am Loving Friday

What I Am Loving Friday

Happy Friday to you and your sweets! I can’t believe it’s already Friday and that we only have two more weeks of January. So I have been wanting to do something fun on the Friday post. So this week, it’s “What I Am Loving” Friday. Next week might be the same or I might change it up but I hoping to have some fun stuff on Fridays.

First, let’s start out with my obsession to Pinterest. Yes, I know everyone has it and it will probably be old news within the next few months but I am totally loving it. I mostly go on there for recipes & fashion as I am not much of a DIYer but I have tried some stuff and they turned out nice.

Anyways, FASHION! Here are some outfits I am totally loving right now…


The first outfit is perfect for all you moms out there that are running around with your kids. The second one is adorable and I am loving white jeans and need the invest in a pair very soon. I love the third outfit for the spring/summer and need to get myself a navy striped shirt.

Next, HAIR! I am getting my hair cut next Friday and thinking of changing it up…


My hair is down to the middle of my back but I am totally ready for a change.

Lastly, RECIPES! I have been wanting to make the following…


Well actually, the first one I made and it’s delish! I am planning to make the second one this weekend for next week’s breakfast and I think the hubby would really like the third one.

So are you on Pinterest? If so, check out my pinterest… http://pinterest.com/kmcassidy22/. I hope you all have a great weekend.


What are you loving this week? Besides my “sweets”, I am also loving the thought of warming weather, 55-60 would be perfect!

Thirsty Thursday

Thirsty Thursday

Do you ever have a day or week where you just really want a drink? Yesterday was one of those days but I didn’t partake in having an adult beverage. Usually when I am craving alcohol, I don’t always know what I want to drink. Last night, I really wanted a rum and coke, which is very strange for me.

I have recently liked having a glass of wine here and there but right now, wine isn’t doing it for me. When I go out, it’s beer. If you ask anyone, they would probably tell you that I am a beer girl which is true, especially in the summer months. Who doesn’t love an ice cold one on a hot summer day. Last summer, Bob and I enjoyed many nights outside on the patio with our beers (of course, once Miss K went to bed) but in cold weather, I kind of like harder alcohol, is that weird?

Anyways, here are some of my favorite drinks…


*Sam Adams IPA – A beer I can drink all year long

*Sam Adams Oktoberfest – My fall beer (but I also like Pumpkin Beer as well)

*Red Moscato – It’s a sweet red which I really like

*Relax Riesling – one of my favorite Rieslings out there

Who could forget…


The classic Rum & Coke (or as my husband drinks – Rum & Dr. Pepper which is DELISH!)

I don’t drink a lot anymore, well, I never really drank a lot but on the weekends, I for sure had fun…ha-ha. Nowadays, I probably have a drink or two throughout the whole week, if that. Since I have been working from home more I am thinking a glass during the week might be a good thing. Everyone needs to relax a little bit, right?

So now that you know I am wanting a drink, do you want one? I am off to go make myself some peppermint tea…ha-ha…I am starting to get a sore throat and trying to stop it from becoming anything more than a sore throat.


What is your favorite drink of choose?

What I Ate Wednesday – Taco Night

What I Ate Wednesday – Taco Night

Hello, Wednesday! It’s been another crazy week but that’s always a good thing. I am looking forward to Friday and doing mine & Keely’s weekly Target shopping! Yes, I am obsessed with Target. I am also planning to hit up DSW with a gift card to get a pair of either gray flats or brown pumps and a tan crossbody purse. Anyways, let’s get to the food…

6:00AM Breakfast – Green Smoothie (power greens – kale, spinach & chard, frozen bananas, vanilla protein powder, TBSP of oatmeal & some ice)


Oh, green smoothie, how I love thee – sorry, I went a little crazy with it before I actually took the picture.

9:30AM (midmorning snack) – Greek yogurt with chia seed granola & strawberries & blueberries with a  little Chocolate Almond Butter (I am obsessed with Justin’s)


12:30PM (Lunch) – Deli Chicken wrap with cheese & greens, edamame & hummus w/pita chips (shared with Keely)


4:30PM (Dinner) – Taco night (ground meat with greens, tomatoes & cheese) and some chips.


All and all it was a good eating day but let’s not forget the few bites of Keely’s banana muffin I had this morning plus the piece of Trader Joe’s dark chocolate after dinner. I also drank LOTS of water and a glass of Yogi green tea. Speaking of Yogi green tea, I heart it and will leave you with this…The universe is a stage on which your mind dances with your body, guided by your heart.


Do you indulge a little bit after dinner? I usually like a small piece of chocolate after dinner.