Cameron – 4.5 month

Cameron – 4.5 month

Happy Wednesday everyone!! Are you happy to be half-way through the week like I am happy?!?! For some odd reason, I just want this week to be over. I am totally looking forward to October and all the full fall activities the month brings. So we are a little late with Cam’s 4 month update as his doctors appt was on Monday but here are the CamMan’s stats…

Height – 24.75 inches (been growing about an inch a month) 20th percentile

Weight – 17lbs 8oz (he’s a big boy – grown 3 pounds in two months) 80th percentile


Eating – he’s eating anywhere from 4oz-6oz every three hours. We tried some fruit purees and wasn’t really into it. He is always watching us when we are eating but I think I will give him another month or so then try again.

Sleeping – he’s goes to bed about 6:15-6:30 and gets up around 6:30 the next morning. Sometimes if he has poop or he’s teething badly then he might be up closer to 6am but all in all I am happy with his nighttime sleep. He naps usually in the morning from 8:15am-10:30am then again from 12:45pm-2:30pm and sometimes he might take a catnap at 4:30pm but he’s usually up after his afternoon nap till bedtime. He is a stomach sleeper, been trying so hard to get him on his back but no sir.

Teething – he started the process around 3 months and this month he is a sucking the hand & drooling machine. Hasn’t taken a liking to teething toys but loves figures and his fist. A wet cloth will sometimes work as well.


Personality – he is truly a happy boy except when he’s hungry, tried or in the car. He HATES the car and everything about it unless he’s got a bottle. He loves smiling and laughing and thinks Keely is just the funniest person in the world. He might be a slight Momma’s boy but I think it’s because I am home with him where with Keely, I went back into the office at 3 months. I feel though once he gets comfortable, he’s perfectly okay with people. He’s just particular with some people.

Looks – he looks like his daddy that’s for sure. It’s pretty awesome because Keely is a mini me and Cameron is a mini Bob. We love it. His hair I am guessing will be a little/medium brown as its gotten lighter all ready since he’s been born.

I think that wraps up some information on the CamMan. We love our big boy and love watching him and Keely create a bond together. I know they will just be the best of friends.


Happy 4.5 months Camy!! XOXO

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites

Welcome back Friday Favorites!! Today is Friday Favorites – Hashtag Style



#thoseshoes #Iwant #yesplease


Easy Lo Mein - The easiest lo mein you will ever make in 15 min from start to finish. It's so much quicker, tastier and healthier than take-out!:

#YUM #Couldeateveryday


Autumn Nail Colors - for fingers and toes! #Fall #Manicure #Season #Dark #Colors:

#lovethese #needamani&pedi


This metal cart from @IKEAUSA is the perfect book and toy holder for the nursery or playroom! #organization:

#oneforbothkids #welovebooks


That’s it for now for this Friday but hope you all have a fabulous weekend!! Cheers! xoxo

She’s ALIVE!!

She’s ALIVE!!

Hello!! Yes, I know, I know, it’s been a long time but as you know it’s been a little crazytown around here but I am finally back to a regular schedule and one that will allow some blogging. A lot has happened since I wrote last time…Cameron was two months…he is now four months. I will have his 4 month update later in the month as we have his doctor appt on the 21st but I can tell you this he is a happy little (I should probably say, BIG) baby. We are just all in love with him.

Miss Keely starts school on Thursday. Yes, my baby girl is going to Preschool and she’s super stoked about especially since she will be toting around a Paw Patrol bag that Gama and Papa got her. Today we have to go into school for her orientation for an hour which will allow us to meet the kids and parents. I think she’s going through a little growth spurt as well because some of her clothes are becoming tight.

Everything else is going good. I have picked up a couple of freelance projects plus am babysitting a 9 month old girl three times a week for about 6 hours. She is a little sweetie and Keely is having fun being the babysitter too. All and all, we are keeping super busy and gearing up for fall weather and fall activities. I am going to try to blog again maybe one or two more times this week, I am totally thinking “Friday favorites” needs to make an appearance again. Now, I will leave you with some pictures…cheers!! xoxo


Cameron’s Baptism – Godfather Billy and Godmother Katie


Their love for each other melts my heart. ❤


Odvi…he enjoys taking selfies with me!! LOL


Carebear for the win!!

2 Month Update of Cam Man

2 Month Update of Cam Man

It’s FRIDAY!! I am totally looking forward to the weekend and turning off the computer for two days while I hang with my babies. Mr. Cameron turned two months on Tuesday and the Mr. Man is growing like a weed. Here’s his stats…


(Don’t be jealous of the rolls only some of us look cute with him!! My little chunky monkey)

Weight: 13lbs! Yes, he’s a big boy and in the 80% which is completely different from Keely since she was always between 15-20% but the doctor loves that he’s gaining the right amount of weight.

Height: 22.25 inches. Dr mentioned that he will really start growing in length in the next couple of months.


Eating: He’s eating between 5-6 times a day and drinks about 4-6oz a day which equals out to about 26 ounces a day which is right on track for his age.

Sleep: Right now, he’s sleeping from 7:30pm to about 5:00-6:00am. He will get up, eat then go back down till about 8:00am. He takes around 2 good naps a day then 1 catnap before his bedtime routine which consists of a bath (I like to soak him in his tub every night as it’s calming for him), bottle then bed. He hit his developmental spurt this week so napping as been a little difficult as he wiggles himself around his crib.

Personality: He’s still a pretty easy-going baby. He cries when he’s hungry or tired. He’s given us tons of smiles which we all love and coos so much now. My favorite is when he coos at nighttime during his last bottle. It’s adorable. He loves grasping onto things and like I mentioned above loves wiggling himself around when he’s on his tummy. He doesn’t really like to be on his back unless he’s eating or being changed, tummy is his favorite. During his “dinner” feeding, big sister watches Ninja Turtles and recently his eyes haven’t moved off the TV…maybe another turtles fan?!?! 🙂


Again, he’s such a little blessing and I just love watching Keely and Cameron together. Love you, Cam Man!! xoxo

An Interview with Miss Keely

An Interview with Miss Keely

It’s almost the weekend and I wanted to do something fun for a blog post. Keely turned 3 1/2 on Monday (I might’ve shed a little tear) 🙂

So to celebrate her half birthday, we did a little interview. She totally enjoyed it and I can’t believe how grown up she is right now.



1. Who is your favorite person in the whole world? Mommy (she is my heart <3)

2. What is your favorite color? Light Blue

3. What’s your favorite TV show? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


4. What song do you love? Ninja Turtle Song – Turtle Power

5. Who is your best friend? Mommy (again, she’s too much)

6. What do you want to be when you grow up? “Pony Doctor” = vet

7. What is your favorite book? Up, up, up – Sesame Street book


8. What are you really good at? Running – future track star

9. What is your favorite animal? Bear

10. What is your favorite food? Apples


I am going to do another interview with her when she turns 4 in January. It was so much fun. Have a great day and be on the lookout for Cameron’s 2 month update. Cheers! XOXO

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday! I hope you are all enjoying the week and gearing up for the 4th tomorrow. I am going to make this short and sweet…enjoy!!

Favorite Recipe

Think macaroni and cheese, on a pedestal. If the thought of one more night of rice,pasta, or potatoes as a side dish makes you want to pull your hair out, risotto is a wonderful substitute. #rice #bacon #cheese

I have been wanting to “try” and make some risotto and this seems like the perfect combination. YUM!!

Favorite Outfit

Fashion Blogger Sincerely Jules in Citizens of humanity jeans from Nordstrom, and just found a discount! Love her <3

How cute is this outfit?!?! I love her hair too!

Favorite Healthy Idea

Drink a plain water can help flush away the toxin, but with addition of simple ingredients, it help you a lot more. Here the best 10 detox water recipes.

If you like flavored water, here are some great ideas.

Have an amazing 4th of July weekend. Cheers!! ‘Merica! xoxo

Thank you all service men/women. Jordan, Lenora, & Mack. Don't forget the real reason to celebrate the 4th of July it's not just a reason to party and wear cute clothes. #RealMen

Mom Wear

Mom Wear

What day is it?!?! HUMP DAY!! Hope your week is going good so far. I can’t believe that 4th of July is Saturday, where is this summer/year going? I wanted to do a post about fashion. Being a work at home – stay at home Mom has it’s pros & cons when it comes to fashion. Pro – I don’t have anyone to impress with my hair, shoes, outfits, etc as my two lovebugs love me no matter what I am wearing. Con – you have the ability to get into a fashion rut (ex. where yoga pants all day long). Now don’t get me wrong, I can wear yoga pants all day and some days I do. Now onto my post – last week I took a picture all my outfit throughout the week (Sunday-Saturday). Usually around 6pm every evening, I change into my comfy clothes but only one day, I wore workout clothes everyday and I am pretty happy about it. Enjoy!!

Sunday – Father’s Day (shorts – old navy, shirt & shoes – target)

2015-06-21 13.14.20

Monday – Cleaning Day (shorts & tank – target)

2015-06-23 09.05.26 (1)

Tuesday – Lunch Meeting (skirt – Forever21, shoes – target, top – Old Navy, necklace –

2015-06-23 16.14.28

Wednesday (shirt & shoes– target, jeggings – old navy)

2015-06-25 11.53.10

Thursday (distressed jeans – AE, top – target)

2015-06-25 11.54.16

Friday (jeggings – AE, top & shoes – target)

2015-06-27 15.57.02

Saturday (jeggings – AE, shoes – Forever21, top – Old Navy, Necklace –

2015-06-27 15.55.43

And that my friends is my week of fashion in a nutshell. Before we went out, I’d put on a watch & my rings.

Before I leave, I will leave you with some pictures of my little’s! They melt my heart ❤ Have a great day!! Cheers! XOXO


Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday Folks!! How was everyone’s week? I am totally ready for the weekend and taking in more fests. Our goal this summer is to go to as many fests as we can with Keely and Cameron. Anyways, let’s get right to some favorites from the week.

Favorite Picture(s)

They're BACK! Chicago Blackhawks Hockey We Kane We Shaw We Crawford Hockey Printed Crewneck Sweatshirt Great Chicago Stanley Cup SweatshirtNewest Ladies Blackhawk apparel at

That’s RIGHT!! The Chicago Blackhawks did it again. Stanley Cup Champions (3 times in 6 years)!! It was one hell of a final series and so happy they won it at home. Yesterday we spent the morning watching the parade and rally and what an experience. LOVE the Hawks!! ❤

Favorite Outfit

tee + shorts + hat

LOVE this outfit…add in some converse and it’s perfection!!

Favorite Side Dish

Tomato, cucumber, avocado salad. A cool and easy salad for summer.

I will be making this on Sunday for the week. YUM!!

Favorite Hair

golden caramel balayage'd lights on her dark brown hair  ♥ my summer hair

I will be getting my hair done soon and planning to use this as an inspiration. GORG!

Favorite Quote

Don't cry over the past, it's gone. Don't stress about the future, it hasn't arrived. Live in the present and make it beautiful.

I am in LOVE with this quote. Make everyday beautiful!!

Cheers to the weekend, loves!! XOXO

Cam Man Is One Month

Cam Man Is One Month

Happy Hump Day! Today, I am filling you in on our little (or maybe I should say, big) guy!! It’s been quite a month and we couldn’t see our lives without him. Keely is a super awesome big sister and I can’t wait to see her and Cameron grow up together and be best buds. Well let’s get to it…

Weight: 10lbs 8oz (yes, you read that right) We went to the doctor on Monday for his one month appt and I was completely SHOCKED by his weight. I knew he had gained weight but 3.5 pounds, holy cow!

Height: 21.5 inches (again, grew 2 inches) Dr isn’t worried about his weight since he’s growing in height and she said he’s just playing catch up. We have a big boy on our hands and I totally LOVE my chunkier.


Sleep: He loves his naps like his sister did at this age. I am trying to get him on a good schedule so right now he wakes around 6:00am-6:30am to eat, then goes down for a nap at 9:00am till about 11:00am, eats again and back down around 12:30pm till about 2:30pm, eats then catnaps from 5:00pm-6:00pm & 7:30pm-8:30pm. I have to wake him with all of his naps because I don’t want him to get off schedule. He goes down for the night around 9:45pm-10:00pm then up anywhere between 2am & 3am for a quick feeding then back down till 6am-6:30am.


Eating: As you can see by his sleep schedule, he eats usually anywhere between 2-3 hours during the day and usually 4-5 during the night. Monday night he slept from 9:45pm-3:45am which was complete bliss but I don’t expect that every night as he’s a growing boy.

Personality: Right now, he’s a super calm baby. He makes the funniest faces and we have gotten some smiles out of him which I totally loved. He def has Mommy wrapped but I am okay with it. 🙂


Big Sister: Like I mentioned above, she’s super awesome with him. Everyday, she wants to pick him up but realizes he is a big boy and a little too heavy. She puts in pacifier in his mouth if I am in the other room and he’s crying. He checks on him when he naps and will feed him his bottle too. You can tell he loves his big sister as well. He will just sit there and stare at her which I think is totally cute.


Lastly, he’s been to a lot of places in his first month: beach, Sox game, Target, Jewel, & fests. Thankfully he loves the Bjorn & Stroller. It’s been an incredible month and can’t wait to see what the 2nd month bring us. We love you Cam Man!! ❤

Friday Fashion

Friday Fashion

Happy Friday Peeps!! I am going to make this short and sweet as I have some things I need to get done today but here are some outfits I am totally loving this week…

Boyfriend jeans We can spot a chanel clutch from a mile off. Those golden studs are set perfectly against the chic tan shade.$159 Want!

I think if Chicago is planning a cool summer then I will be wearing an outfit like this all summer long.

5 Summer Staples Styled for Fall ( Tips to Help You Transition Your Summer Pieces into Fall)

Nothing I love more than a pencil skirt with a graphic tee.

Overall shorts are so great. Wear this any day with a t-shirt and you have a cute outfit with no effort!

Not sure I can pull off overalls but I am going to try my hardest this summer. ADORBS!

I've been putting it off but I might just have to go out and get some camo pants | from Cara Loren

Goal for late summer – FIND CAMO PANTS!

What style are you loving this week?!?! Hope you all have an amazing weekend. Cheers!! XOXO