My Little Threenager

My Little Threenager

Happy Hump Day!! Are you all having a good week so far? Hope those of you in the Northeast are safe & sound. I am a little late with Keely’s Three Year Old update but now is the time for it…

Three Favorite Books: My Little Pony (dollar section at Target), Brown Bear, Brown Bear and Go Train Go.

Three Favorite Toys: Dollhouse (Christmas gift), Thomas the Train tracks & Puzzles

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Three Favorite Places: Forever Yogurt (Froyo lover), The beach & My Gym


Three Funny Quirks: OCD (family has it so she would as well), she’s obsessed with letting everyone know she went poop and feeding Hanker till be explodes.

Three of my favorite things: Her hugs & kisses, when I say, “Thank you” to her, she then says, “Love you too” – seriously adorable, and when she tells us stories and gets super excited about them.

She is really teaching me now what it’s like to have a three-year old and I see now why they call it, “THREENAGER”. She is little Miss Independent and growing everyday. I still get cuddles and snuggles so I’m okay with her growing up plus I cannot wait to see her as a big sister because she’s just too cute with her dolls and stuffed animals.

I love you baby girl! You make my life complete. XOXO


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Happy Monday!! It’s been awhile but I have planned some new posts for the week which is starting with one of my favorites, MIMM. Thank you to the beautiful, Katie @ Healthy Diva Life for another awesome link-up.



This preggo has been craving some coffee so I bought myself some decaf coffee from Aldi and it twas amazing!! #cinnamonincoffee


Fort/Tent building with the munchkin all weekend long…LOVE!

WHY DO I DO IT TO MYSELF?!?! Seriously, these are dangerous for me!!

Motivational Monday quotes :)

Let’s do this!! Enjoy your Monday!! xoxo

Wednesdays…We WORKOUT!!

Wednesdays…We WORKOUT!!

Happy Hump Day Peeps!! I can’t believe we are halfway through the week but I’m also excited about it. I hate to say it but I am SO ready for January to get over as I have some fun crafts to do with Keely in February, yes, I know we can start them early but then it would take the fun out of it. Anyways, today I wanted to give you some deets on how my workouts have been since I am now well into my second trimester and 6 months pregnant. Like I mentioned before, I’m happy to finally be back to my somewhat regular workout routine. Here’s what a week of workouts look like for me…

Monday: Cardio (30 minutes) & Prenatal Pilates (20 minutes) – this is all done at home with DVD and Spin Bike

Tuesday: Gym – Legs & Shoulders (30-40 minutes) & Treadmill Walking (15 minutes)

Wednesday: Prenatal Yoga (30 minutes)

Thursday: Gym – Chest & Triceps (30 minutes) & Cardio (15 minutes)

Friday: Cardio (45 minutes) – Spin Bike at Home

Saturday: Gym – Back & Biceps (30 minutes) & Cardio (15 minutes)

Sunday – Stretching and some walking (around stores or neighborhood)

Looks pretty good, right?!?! Don’t get me wrong there are days that I’m just not feeling up to it so I just make a change in my schedule and switch some days. I’m looking forward to warmer weather and going for walks outside with Miss Keely. She’s a great workout buddy!! Have a great day!! XOXO

Friday Favorites…Birthday Week & Fun

Friday Favorites…Birthday Week & Fun

Happy Friday! I seriously can’t believe it’s Friday already, the beginning of this week went by rather slow then all of a sudden it was Thursday…WHAT!! Well Chicago is finally getting hit with snow & cold. The past three days have been in the negatives and snowing. We ventured out yesterday to take a trip to Target because Keely and I were getting cabin fever plus Target makes everything better. Earlier this week (Tuesday) we celebrated Keely’s 3rd Birthday. How is it possible that my baby girl is 3 years old. I thought long and hard about having a birthday party this and we decided to forgo the Birthday and just spend the day doing & eating everything she likes so we ate Cheese Puffs, Watching My Little Pony, Opened presents, Went bowling (with Game & Papa) and had Ice Cream Cake. It was amazing and by 7:30pm she was ready for bed. We have about 3.5-4 months left till little man arrives so the next few months will be all about Keely. I want to spend as much time with her and do as many things as possible with her. Well, that’s been our week in a nutshell so now it’s time to get onto the Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites Link Up Winter

Favorite Person


Seriously, she’s the best thing to have ever happened to me. Such a little blessing!! I love you, baby girl!!

Favorite Birthday Celebration


Nothing is better than opening presents & bowling plus a little lovin’ on the Hankester! ❤

Favorite Outfit

Ripped jeans & cardigan + orange heels + stripes + leopard

I love everything about this outfit and thinking of recreating it, prego style.

Favorite Home Decor

Corner ideas

Love this shelf for the one corner in our living room.

Favorite Quote


Happy Weekend!! Cheers to all my dreamers!! xoxo

Thank you Heather for hosting another Friday Favorites Link-up. 🙂

MIMM…It’s My Birthday!!

MIMM…It’s My Birthday!!

Happy Monday!! Hope you all had an amazing weekend. Mine wasn’t too bad since it was my birthday weekend. I woke up Saturday a little sad thinking, “I’m officially in my 30’s.” since I turned 31 on Saturday but then Saturday activities happened and so far 31 isn’t too bad. I am happy to announce that Chicago is finally seeing snow and there is supposed to be a lot this week…a little late for Santa but we’ve been enjoying it. Like always, I am linking up to the ever so amazing Katie @ Healthy Diva Life for another MIMM addition. Enjoy!!

Marvelous Is…


Seeing Newsies for my birthday with Bobby. It was pretty amazing with lots of DANCING!!


Making a wish with my favorite person!! Yes, I turned “2” again…LOL!

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First egg scramble in about five months…yes, Baby Boy didn’t want me eating eggs until just now plus some hot chocolate on a snowy day.

A most beautiful soul...I've been following his teachings & reading his books for years.  A peace activist and buddhist teacher to so many.  He is not well at will be a sad day when he is no longer here with us.

An amazing quote to start your week…cheer!! xoxo

Friday Favorites…New Year, New Favorites

Friday Favorites…New Year, New Favorites

Happy Friday Peeps!! It’s time again for another link-up with Heather @ Housewife Glamour for another Friday Favorites.

Favorite Way To Spend NYE When Pregnant


Play-doh before bedtime with Keely, Mocktail that was enjoyed, game night with some friends and finally a 21 week belly that’s LARGE & IN-CHARGE!!

Favorite Outfit

Stripes + cargo vest

This is a MUST outfit for when it gets warmer outside.

Favorite Recipe

Original Old Bay Crab crab cakes EVER!!!

I don’t know about you but I love me some Crab Cakes and will def be making these sometime soon.

Favorite Baby Boy Bedroom Idea

JT's Terrific Transportation Room -

I am doing a Trains, Planes and Automobile theme for Baby Boy’s bedroom and I am in LOVE with these bookshelves.

Favorite Quote

we complicate things


Hope you all are having an amazing start to 2015 and wishing you an awesome weekend! Cheers! xoxo

Here’s to 2015

Here’s to 2015

Happy New Year to you and your sweets. I thought long and hard yesterday about resolutions and I feel that a lot of times I don’t always continue or complete my resolutions so instead of setting myself up for failure I am going to do the following plus staying the same:

Stop comparing yourself to other. The whole comparison trap is big with everyone and I think with being pregnant again, I am comparing it to the first time and that was completely different because I was three years younger plus didn’t have a toddler to chase around all the time. Plus being a Mom, I sometimes compare myself to other Moms or other children. Keely is such a little blessing and too-too smart for her own good which can lead to tough toddler times but who doesn’t have those times!?!? why compare when you are pretty amazing!!

Stop worrying about what others think of you. I’m way too old to be dealing with stupid drama or judgment so I’ll continue to surround myself by people who truly love me for who I am and not for who they want me to be. Plus I know I am a damn good Mother, Wife, Daughter, Friend, Cousin, etc. so I’m not going to let people get me down. STAND UP FOR YOURSELF — Again, you are amazing!!

Stop feeling guilty. Going back to the comparison trap, I’m not going to feel guilty if Keely and I have an off day and end up spending WAY too much time in front of the TV…hey, it happens. I’m not going to feel guilty if I miss a day of working out or eat a box of cookies in one day because…again, it happens.

I’m going to continue to – Stay Healthy – Stay Active – Stay Happy & Spend as much time with Keely as I possibly could before little man arrives in May then just enjoy everyday with my babies!!

Enjoy the journey. Live life & enjoy each day. Every day is a new present waiting to be unwrapped. Unwrap it slowly, enjoy it, and be thankful. <3